Thursday, May 17, 2012

Duck Insomnia

So sorry, I have not written in a while.  I actually don't think I have ever been in a more stressful situation in my life. 

I lie awake at night in a cold sweat and then drift in and out of sleep.  I never in a million years anticipated the production issues we would have here.  We are working them out, but having to innovate a whole new way of creating painting spray masks to make it cost effective on the fly.  We have gone through over a dozen sets, each time revising them.  

The thing is, next weekend is the first ever duck race in America with ducks actually made in the USA!!  Well, they're actually Loons we did for the State University of New York, but you get the idea!  Turns out it is one of the most complicated painted birds we have ever done, and our painters have not had a spray mask that works for them.  So, today they actually packed up 500 of them and shipped them off to my artist who designs our ducks to work through the weekend painting them!!!!  

You believe this.  

Talk about pressure!  

Plus, we still have to revise all the SAM spray masks as there was a minor issue with them fitting right.   Oh, and did I mention that with the deadline coming up for one of our upcoming events with a Fortune 500 Company, the Post Office lost our Express Mail package of our sculpts and now we are having to redo them with their deadline approaching!!  

Well, hopefully sleep is overrated!

...and so it goes....

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